Conversion Optimization Through People-Based Analytics

Traffic arriving to your site must convert for positive ROI:

People-Based Analytics

Behavioral Analytics Strategy

1.Define Goals and Objectives: Clearly articulate the business objectives and goals that the organization wants to achieve through behavioral analytics. For example, this could include improving user engagement, increasing conversions, or reducing churn.

2. Identify Key Metrics: Determine the specific behavioral metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that align with the defined goals and objectives. These could include metrics like user retention rate, conversion rate, or average time spent on a website.

3. Data Collection: Implement the necessary systems and tools to collect relevant behavioral data. This can include tracking user actions through various channels, such as websites, mobile apps, or social media platforms. Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations and establish proper data governance practices.

4. Data Analysis: Perform in-depth analysis of the collected behavioral data to gain meaningful insights. This involves using statistical techniques, data visualization, and machine learning algorithms to

uncover patterns and correlations in user behavior. Consider segmenting the data by different customer segments or demographics to gain further insights.

5. Visualization and Reporting: Present the results of the data analysis in a visual and easily understandable format, such as dashboards or reports. This allows stakeholders to easily interpret the findings and make data-driven decisions.


How User Behavior Illuminates More Than Just Traffic 

Analyzing user behavior can highlight the path a user takes through your website. This reveals which aspects of your site are performing well and which need to be reworked. 

What Kinds of Data Can Be Collected from User Behavior?

Behavioral analytics uncovers data including:

  • How long a user spends on a website
  • Which pages users visit frequently
  • What visitors click on
  • What page a visitor was on before dropping off the site
  • How visitors find your site, such as a search engine, ad or social media 

How to Identify Key Behavioral Indicators

If you find a traffic source is not generating as many leads as expected, behavioral analytics can help identify the reason. Customer behavior analytics can also help reveal issues such as a broken link or an ineffective call-to-action by looking at how customers interact with the site.

How Matchnode Can Help with Customer Behavior Analytics

Matchnode goes beyond Google Analytics to use Mixpanel, KISS Metrics, and other software to track the total number of users visiting a site from all devices. This offers more detailed user behavior, cohort analysis, and lifetime customer value.

We also specialize in using Facebook Analytics to ensure our ad operations align with the other analytics platforms. This allows us to survey ad, page, website, and possibly app data together.

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