5 Easy Symbols to Use in Google 

Google is a powerhouse when it comes to search engines, but did you know that there are several symbols and operators you can use to refine your searches and get more specific results? 

Here are five easy symbols that can improve your Google search skills:

  1. Quotation marks (” “): Placing your search term in quotation marks helps Google find exact

match results. For example, searching “content marketing tips” will give you results that

specifically include that exact phrase, rather than general tips about content marketing.

  1. Asterisk (*): The asterisk acts as a wildcard when placed within a search term. For instance,

searching “best * for students” will give you results that fill the asterisk with various words, such

as “laptops,” “textbooks,” or “jobs,” depending on what you’re looking for.

  1. Minus sign (-): Adding a minus sign before a keyword excludes it from your search results.

For example, searching “best smartphones -Apple” will filter out any results related to Apple

smartphones from your search.

  1. Site: operator (site:website.com): By using the site: operator, you can narrow down your

search results to a specific website. For instance, “site:wikipedia.org dinosaurs” will only display

results from the Wikipedia website that are relevant to dinosaurs.

  1. Filetype: operator (filetype:pdf): If you’re looking for specific file types, the filetype: operator

can be handy. For example, searching “content marketing statistics filetype:pdf” will show you

search results limited to PDF files related to content marketing statistics.

By utilizing these symbols and operators, you can make your Google searches more targeted

and efficient, ensuring you find the information you need quickly and accurately.