Drive Sales Through a Robust Digital Strategy
[0:02] Introduction to Sales Warrior Within Podcast hosted by Andy Olen with Chris Madden
[5:47] Chris’ background and Matchnode as social first digital agency
[9:26] The biggest gaps most marketing teams have
[15:12] How Matchnode team stay ahead of the curve
[20:32] Chris’ advice to on how starting entrepreneurs can engage in digital marketing
[27:43] Different media to put your ads into
[31:42] What is Web 3.0 and why it’s important in marketing and branding
[38:43] Empathy as a good business practice in terms of sales and marketing
[44:32] Wrap up and closing
In this episode of Sales Warrior Within podcast, Andy Olen invited Chris Madden, Matchnode co-founder, to share insightful information about how to drive sales through a robust digital strategy. As a social-first digital agency, Matchnode supports clients to improve their sales through the use of digital channels. Among the common challenges the team encounters with their clients is how even established businesses face difficulties as they transition to the digital space.
Chris mentioned how Matchnode fills gaps in expertise or bandwidth. The creative gap, as he emphasized, is one of the primary issues faced by brands. Creative has always been essential in advertising and any sort of social media. When reaching audiences is becoming broad through algorithm, creative messaging helps in pulling out a specific group of people for your brand. It helps brands to scale according to their product type and campaign tactics.
Business owners face the inevitability of the swift changes that accompanies digital marketing and social media. As marketing evolves rapidly, Matchnode makes it sure that the entire team is constantly adapting. Chris explained how Matchnode’s core values, especially lifelong learning, makes them stay ahead of the curve to give the right services and experiences to their clients.
Starting entrepreneurs might feel overwhelmed when they decide to engage their brand digitally. With different social media platforms and various advertising tools available, it might be a challenge for them to manage this. Chris shared his advice: Instead of rushing in to do these things, entrepreneurs must be very thoughtful, methodical, and streamlined if he wishes to enter the market digitally. It is a good idea to reflect on the brand’s core values, identify the problems they are solving for whom, and the benefit they provide for the market. Before actually making social media or website contents, entrepreneurs should think more about their unique selling point and who it matters to. Andy and Chris also discussed about the different media where businesses could put their ads into. Sure, there are many ad types which are not digital, and even if almost everything is digital now, integration matters because your audiences often consume different media types – from social media ads to a nice catalog attached to their mails. What captures your audience towards your brand is what’s important.
Moving on to the topic of Web 3.0, Chris examines the value it provides for marketing and branding. Web 3.0 is a very powerful channel to also place your brand into because it is collaborative, community-driven, and persistent. It helps maintain centralizing forces in society honest and established trustworthy channels for global collaboration and communication.
Wrapping up the talk, Andy and Chris explored the importance of empathy in terns of sales and marketing. As a marketer and an entrepreneur, it is crucial to place yourself in the shoes of your clients to understand what they want to achieve with their ads. Shifting your mindset into how your message, ideas, products and services could improve your audience is also a form of empathy. Core values like empathy help us all improve personally, and business-wise.